Fixed my disappointing treachery in the blue by wearing it over hot pink polish!

Shoutout to /u/o0-Lotta-0o - I saw their post about layering Mooncat treachery in the blue over merkitten to make it closer to the product picture. I grabbed a hot pink drugstore creme on my way home and it worked!

The pink polish is Sally Hansen insta-dri beet-ing heart. Base coat - Essie strong start, top coat - Sally Hansen insta-dri (red bottle).

Shoutout to /u/o0-Lotta-0o - I saw their post about layering Mooncat treachery in the blue over merkitten to make it closer to the product picture. I grabbed a hot pink drugstore creme on my way home and it worked!

The pink polish is Sally Hansen insta-dri beet-ing heart. Base coat - Essie strong start, top coat - Sally Hansen insta-dri (red bottle).